
Showing posts from March, 2021

Humans To Mars: Are We There Yet?

Everyone these days are talking about colonizing mars, and sustaining life there. In fact, some big companies like SpaceX are working day and night to make it possible. However, while it is very exciting to think about, there are many technological challenges we have to overcome. This blog is the first blog in the series challenges to colonize mars and how can we deal with it. Let's start with very initial, let's say we have built a ship to carry humans to mars and we successfully departed from our mother planet. The first and one of the biggest challenge we will face is the space radiation. The radiation environment of space consists of electromagnetic radiation and charged particles that have been accelerated to high velocities. The charged particles come from three primary sources, Solar Particle Events (SPE), Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) and Trapped Radiation. These radiations are extremely harmful. It has been reported that long-term exposure to high levels of space radiatio