
Showing posts from 2018

Essence Of Life

Ever since we get our consciousness, one question always fills our mind and heart with mystery. The problem is "What is the meaning of Life," or we can say "Essence of Life." Today, every religious institute we have, all the priests we have, is there to guide people to know the meaning behind their lives. For some reason, no one can understand; each of them has their solutions with different logic. Some might be very convincing and comforting; others might sound foolish and funny, but all they want is to quench their thirst for knowledge. I believe that science is the best way to answer this question; it might sound like a spiritual problem, but science's primary definition is to understand nature around us. Of course, spirituality is part of our heart, so it automatically falls under the science to call it a science question. After all, no other problem can drive a scientist crazier than knowing the reason for existence. The quest for this question might have s

How would we Identify an Alien Life

Imagine that we have visited a planet many light years away from earth in search of extraterrestrial life or aliens, and we found one. But how are we going to know that it is alien or not, I mean in order to be alien life first it had to be living, after all, we cannot simply declare a strange piece of rock as alien. So in order to identify a life outside of earth first, we need to understand how can we define life, to the extent where we can classify anything as living or non-living. In order to do that we have to look for a pattern in life. Look around you and you can easily classify anything as living or non-living based on your experiences and knowledge. But our knowledge and experience are of the earth only and that is why we have to be prepared for anything which is strange, and that is why we need the most fundamental function of life. So what is that bold line which differentiates living and non-living? Is it the sense of Environment? Well, every living thing we have s

Are We Inside of a Hyper Being

A few days ago someone asked me that does this image tells us that we are living inside a body like ours. This image shows some similar structure which we have in a human body which can make you think that maybe the whole universe is a living body of a hyper being or a God. Now, this might be possible, however, there are plenty of reasons which defy this argument. First of all if we are in the body of any hyper being, why would they have structures like we humans have, I mean a dog sitting beside you might say in his language that "'don't be so arrogant to think that our god will be like you humans, after all, there are millions of other species too like we dogs". But wait does it hurt your pride to compare you with species like a dog.  Well, this is true, we are unique but not special at very least. Our intelligence is just an evolutionary product and trust me this evolution has not stopped yet. If somehow after millions of years from now humans somehow survi

Does Reality Makes Sense

The trouble with fiction is that it makes too much sense - Jhon Rivers  According to Jhon Rivers reality doesn't seem to make much sense. The more we try to understand nature the more things we get which makes no sense. We can realize it by observing various experiments in the field like quantum mechanics where usually nothing comes out as you expect it to be. So scientists start to make the claim that reality is uncertain so it should not necessarily make sense. But is it true? Can we really say that reality doesn't make much sense? Well, I think the answer is " No ". We say something is not making any sense when we are not able to understand its mechanism and logic behind it. Of course, everything in our universe works on some kind of mechanism, so it should make sense when we understand it.  Let's give a look at the history to understand it. Before and even during the time of Galileo Galilei the picture of the universe was very clear, which

Positive Ego

In the course of entire humanity never there was such a rush of success as it is now, today with the increasing technology and positions in our society people are more stressed than ever before. It is not the time like early days where you just have to work just to get food, shelter and some other basic necessities, today the world is beyond that. We want people to acknowledge us, we want people to respect us. So in order to attain that people try to perform best in whatever field they are at. But what if someone is constantly failing at that. It will be a reason of huge depression. But there is a way to overcome the failure which is overestimating yourself. Now, this may not sound so good, because in general terms we use the word overestimate for negative sense, but let's understand its actual meaning. We say this word when we think that someone is thinking or trying to do something which is beyond him/her. But, let's wait, is it true that there are some tasks which are b