Positive Ego

In the course of entire humanity never there was such a rush of success as it is now, today with the increasing technology and positions in our society people are more stressed than ever before. It is not the time like early days where you just have to work just to get food, shelter and some other basic necessities, today the world is beyond that. We want people to acknowledge us, we want people to respect us. So in order to attain that people try to perform best in whatever field they are at. But what if someone is constantly failing at that. It will be a reason of huge depression. But there is a way to overcome the failure which is overestimating yourself.

Now, this may not sound so good, because in general terms we use the word overestimate for negative sense, but let's understand its actual meaning. We say this word when we think that someone is thinking or trying to do something which is beyond him/her. But, let's wait, is it true that there are some tasks which are beyond some particular people. The answer is a big "no" if someone can do a particular task then why can't you. You may think that everyone is made differently so their talent also vary, yes this is true and maybe because of this reason you can be good at something but at the same time very bad at another thing. So one may say that you are not made for this, but this isn't true. "You don't need to be genius to be good at something".
Now the thing is how can we succeed in what we desire, you know the answer hard work. There is nothing new about this right, hard work is the most important key to success. You may have to do a lot more hard work than the other people but eventually, you will get good at it.
Remeber some of the most genius minds like Alber Einstein was told in his childhood that science is not his cup of tea, yet we know him as the greatest scientist.
The same case was with Nobel Prize winner Richar Feynman, he said in an interview that he was never a genius but more like an average kid, but he worked very hard and eventually he got the title of world's smartest man. These were the examples of people in the field of science, examples like this exist in every field.
But what kept them running until they reach success, the answer is positive ego. When you overestimate yourself you generate a positive ego in yourself which don't let you quit the task. Now you may say that the term overestimate can be replaced with believing yourself, well they do intersect in many terms but there is no ego in believing.
So what happens that every time you are stuck in any task, you just say this to yourself, how could I not do this. Just have this positive ego ad it will push your limits and you will certainly do better. The good thing about this ego is that you just have to show it to yourself, not to others around you so that it does not create any bad image of you.

So no matter how bad you are at studies, sports, singing, or at any other field, with this positive ego, you can overcome anything. Just overestimate yourself, with a lot of hard work and you will certainly do better.


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